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So far admin has created 33 blog entries.

Reducing Employee Turnover Through Corporate Errand Running Services

Employee turnover poses a significant challenge for businesses striving to maintain a stable and productive workforce. Beyond competitive salaries and career growth opportunities, companies are increasingly turning to unique employee benefits to enhance retention rates. One such innovative solution gaining popularity is the inclusion of corporate errand running services. Addressing Work-Life Balance Modern work environments often blur the lines between professional responsibilities and personal life. Employees juggle demanding workloads alongside everyday tasks such as grocery shopping, dry cleaning, or scheduling appointments. Corporate errand running services offer a practical solution by outsourcing these errands, allowing employees to reclaim valuable time and achieve a healthier work-life balance. This reduction in personal stress contributes to greater job satisfaction and lowers the likelihood of employees seeking alternative employment. Corporate errand running services represent more than just a convenience—they are a strategic tool for enhancing employee retention. By addressing work-life balance, boosting morale, improving productivity, and differentiating as an employer of choice, these services contribute significantly to reducing turnover rates and building a loyal, motivated workforce. As businesses continue to prioritize employee well-being through innovative benefits, corporate errand running services emerge as a valuable investment in sustaining long-term success and growth.

Elevating Employee Retention Through Corporate Concierge Services

  In the competitive landscape of talent acquisition and retention, organizations are increasingly turning to innovative solutions to enhance employee satisfaction and loyalty. One such solution gaining traction is the incorporation of corporate concierge services to manage the personal errands and tasks of valued employees. This article explores how investing in a corporate concierge service can significantly impact employee retention and contribute to a thriving workplace culture. Valuing Employee Time and Well-being Time is a precious commodity, especially for busy professionals juggling work and personal responsibilities. By providing a corporate concierge service, employers demonstrate a commitment to their employees' well-being by alleviating the burden of mundane tasks. Whether it's meeting contractors at the home, shopping for groceries and gifts, the concierge service allows employees to focus more on their work and personal priorities, leading to reduced stress and increased job satisfaction. Enhancing Work-Life Balance Work-life balance is crucial for employee happiness and retention. When employees feel supported in managing their personal obligations, they experience less burnout and are more likely to remain loyal to their employer. A corporate concierge service can help create a harmonious balance by taking care of time-consuming tasks that often spill over into personal time, thereby allowing employees to enjoy more quality time with their families and pursue personal interests. Boosting Productivity and Focus Employees can devote more energy and concentration to their core responsibilities when they are not distracted by personal errands. A corporate concierge service contributes to a more productive work environment by minimizing interruptions and ensuring that employees remain focused on their professional tasks. This increased productivity can lead to improved performance and greater contributions to organizational goals. Differentiating as an Employer of Choice In today's competitive job

#1 Way To Retrieve Equipment From Terminated Employees

According to Jack Flynn’s June 13, 2023 article, “25 Trending Remote Work Statistics [2023]: Facts, Trends, and Projections”, 5.7% of US employees were working remotely in 2018. This increased dramatically to 41.7% during the COVID-19 pandemic and has been holding steady at 26-27% for the past two years. We can all agree remote working is here to stay.This is our new norm and we are all making adjustments accordingly. However, this new reality begs an important question. How are corporations going to get their computers and other IT assets back from remote workers when they are terminated or laid off? With over 150 highly skilled customer service team members geographically dispersed across the US. TimeSquared Concierge is the only boots-on-the-ground provider focused on retrieving company tech. All across the US, our team members physically go to the homes of terminated employees, pick up the company-issued assets and return them to their rightful owner. Our clients are recognizing a 500 – 900% return on investment. Also, by outsourcing IT Asset retrievals to TimeSquared, their recovery rate has increased from 20% to 90+%. #RemoteWorking #DistributedTeams #Offboarding #RemoteWorkers #DeviceRetrieval #SeamlessOffboarding #EquipmentRetrieval #ITAM #HAM #HardwareAssetManagement #ITAssetRecovery #TerminatedEmployees #RemoteWorkers #ITAD Contact: or 888.839.1662

Spectacular Small Business Pivot

I have always believed the #1 advantage small businesses have over their larger counterparts is agility.  The speed at which we adapt to change is critical to our success.  The Covid Pandemic was the perfect opportunity to test that theory.  At TimeSquared Concierge, we sell concierge and errand running services as an employee benefit.  However, as droves of employees began working remotely, corporations were unsure about the future landscape of corporate America. As a result, they shelved all new employee benefit purchases.  Although we didn’t lose any existing clients, our pipeline of new business dried up immediately.  What would you do in this situation? First, we analyzed our unique capabilities.  Our company’s most valuable asset is our team of highly skilled customer service professionals across the entire United States.  Our coverage and quality are unparalleled.  The dramatic increase of remote workers brought on by pandemic created a never seen before issue.  How do you get your computers and other company assets back from terminated employees?  That is a problem we can solve!  So, TimeSquared Concierge launched an equipment retrieval division. We are the only company who physically goes to the home of the offboarded employee, retrieves the equipment and returns it to the employer. This service is saving companies tens of thousands of dollars in equipment while also protecting companies’ sensitive and proprietary data.  With no monthly minimum and no set up fee, we can serve companies of all sizes.  As this division of our company grows exponentially, we wonder what is your pivot? #HAM, #ITAM, #AssetManagement #RemoteWorking #TerminatedEmployee #ComputerEquipment #Offboarding, #RemoteWorking, #RemoteWorkers, #TerminatedEmployees, #OffboardingStrategy, #ITAD, #AssetManagement, #AssetRecovery, #ComputerEquipment, #LaptopRetrieval, #DistributedTeams, #RetrieveCompanyAssets, #RecoverAssetsFromRemoteWorkers, #RecoverAssetsFromOffboardedEmployees, #RemoteDeviceReturns, #RemoteEmployees, #OffboardedEmployees, #HardwareAssetManagement, #ITAssetManagement, #RemoteAssetManagement   “The #1 advantage small

Be the Best Version of Yourself by Changing These 3 Habits

When things aren’t going your way, even for a few days, it can feel like a lifetime. Suddenly, feeling low becomes second nature, negative thoughts fill your mind, and you struggle to find the motivation to do anything. Even though you may feel that nothing can be done and this is how your life will be from now on, it’s important to recognize that it’s just a phase. And how long the phase will last is completely in your hands. Yes, it will take effort and time to turn things around, but, in the long run, you will achieve your goals and become the best version of yourself. In this article by TimeSquared, we lay down various good habits you can adopt starting today to make a positive change to your lifestyle and wellbeing.   Stop Craving Instant Gratification How many times have you planned to watch just one more video on Instagram before starting work, and before you know it, an hour has passed? As reported by Positive Psychology, this is a classic example of chasing instant gratification i.e. choosing to sacrifice important long-term goals to gain short-term pleasure. While browsing Instagram for an hour would have given you a few laughs, in the end, you will feel stressed and less motivated to work. An effective way to overcome this habit is to recognize your urges and take steps to overcome them. For instance, delete social media apps from your phone and block these websites on your work devices. Additionally, if you live with roommates and are easily distracted into socializing rather than working, create a workplace inside your room and request to not be disturbed during work hours. Adapting these changes does not

How do you retrieve company equipment from terminated remote workers?

According to the article, A terminated employee has not returned company equipment. Can the employer hold the paycheck until the equipment is returned, or deduct the cost from the final pay?  “An employer cannot withhold a terminated employee's paycheck until equipment is returned.” So, what is the best solution?  Not retrieving company issued computers and other assets is not only a significant cost, but also a security concern.  Protecting the company’s intellectual property and company assets is paramount.  But what is the best method of retrieval?  Many companies are making no attempt to retrieve their assets while others are sending, pre-paid, self-addressed boxes to the terminated employees with a request for them to mail back the company assets.  However, many companies are reporting less than 40% of the equipment successfully returned through this method.   TimeSquared Concierge has launched an equipment retrieval division to recover company assets from terminated employees and deliver to remote working new hires. TimeSquared serves the entire United States. There is no set up fee and no monthly minimum. Companies are charged monthly for time spent at an hourly rate.  

Nothing Says, “You are Appreciated” Like Snacks!

TimeSquared Concierge is sending out Employee Appreciation Snack Boxes at HALF THE PRICE of the larger gift box providers. We are customizing these yummy gifts with the corporate client's logo and personalized notes inside. We recently sent gifts to the 2,200 home addresses  of a corporate client's remote workers.  Let us recognize your valued employees! If you would like a customized gift for your valued employees... and who doesn't... pls. contact 888-839-1662. #EmployeeEngagement #RemoteWorker #EmployeeRecognition

Remote Working Is Here To Stay

  Remote Working is here to stay. McKinsey's article, "Fostering employee productivity and morale during COVID-19" speaks to the ways and importance of maintaining employee productivity and employee engagement with a remote workforce. The article suggests, "Leaders might take into account the challenges people are encountering in balancing their work lives with their personal lives. This is particularly true for working parents and other caregivers." What assistance are you providing your people to help them stay focused while working from home - with or without kids attending virtual school in the next room and safeguarding elderly family members with a  compromised immune system? The national errand running capabilities of  Timesquared Concierge have transitioned from a "nice to have" to a "must have" for many employers.   We  complete all of the personal errands (weekly grocery shopping, Target and Costco runs, driving vehicles for service, taking pets to the vet and so much more) allowing the employees to focus on the job at hand.  Providing TimeSquared Concierge as an employee benefit send a clear message that their employer understands their personal challenges.

Ready, Set Write

At TimeSquared Concierge, we realize that many are struggling with how to redirect their energy due to the COVID-19 restrictions.  For that reason, we will be posting suggestions regularly in hopes that it encourages our clients and friends to make the very best of these challenging times. Our first recommendation is is to start Journaling. Whether you choose to record video or audio, type or handwrite, the object is to be consistent to get the best results. For some, journaling is an effective way to purge your thoughts, questions, and concerns.  Getting everything on paper can lighten the mental load and provide clarity.  Knowing that you can revisit it, gives you the freedom to release it from your thoughts.   “One of the most effective ways to reduce stress with journaling is to write in detail about feelings and thoughts related to stressful events, as one would discuss topics in therapy, and brainstorm solutions, but there are several different ways to practice journaling. The method you choose can depend on your needs at the time, and your personality; just do what feels right.” according to’s  September 5, 2019 article, “The Benefits of Journaling for Stress Management”, by Elizabeth Scott. So, our first recommendation during this period of “social distancing” is to start Journaling.  Remember, this is just for you.  No one else will read it unless you choose to share it.  Who knows, it might the beginning of the next great American novel! #Journaling #StressManagement #Covid19 #SocialDistancing #TimeSquaredConcierge #YourTimeSquared

The holiday season is our time to shine!

Concierges are the season’s magical elves committed to making every customer’s dream a reality and this season was no exception.  From collecting enough pine cones for a client to write a marriage proposal in the snow to making custom gift baskets for a someone described as, “strongly self identifies as a Jewish, Chilean Vegan”.  We are the ones convincing the salesperson at a discount retailer to hide the designer handbags when they arrive and call us immediately as a matter of national importance.  We include notes in our contacts with the names of our clients’ relatives and what we bought for Aunt Edna last Christmas.  Please don’t get offended when we remind you of your spouse’s birthday or email you a simple, make ahead recipe for your neighborhood potluck. We just might keep you out of the “dog house” or save you a couple of frantic hours in the kitchen! We are the ones who drive across town for a friend who is under the weather, because we know that nothing has more healing power than receiving your favorite soup and a thoughtful note. Of course, we always include a small box of chocolate …. for medicinal purposes. We are driven to make the magic happen.  I use the word “driven” because it is a calling.  It is something deep within a true concierge.  There is a delight that we feel when we make even the smallest dream come true. So, hug your concierge.  This time of year, they are easy to spot.  They are exhausted but have that satisfied look of a job well done plastered across their merry little face! We look forward to making your life better in 2019!