Laptop Retrieval

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Protect Your Business: The Importance of IT Asset Recovery

Did you know that 71% of HR professionals report at least one departing employee fails to return company equipment like laptops or mobile phones? This staggering statistic highlights a critical risk to businesses everywhere. When IT assets go unreturned, companies face potential data breaches, financial losses, and inventory discrepancies. Don't let your business become part of this statistic. Hiring a professional IT Asset Recovery firm ensures that your valuable equipment is safely retrieved, securing your data and saving costs in the long run. Safeguard your company’s future and maintain operational integrity with expert asset recovery solutions. 💼🔑 #RemoteWorking #DistributedTeams #Offboarding #RemoteWorkers #DeviceRetrieval #SeamlessOffboarding #EquipmentRetrieval #ITAM #HAM #HardwareAssetManagement #ITAssetRecovery #TerminatedEmployees #RemoteWorkers

Spectacular Small Business Pivot

I have always believed the #1 advantage small businesses have over their larger counterparts is agility.  The speed at which we adapt to change is critical to our success.  The Covid Pandemic was the perfect opportunity to test that theory.  At TimeSquared Concierge, we sell concierge and errand running services as an employee benefit.  However, as droves of employees began working remotely, corporations were unsure about the future landscape of corporate America. As a result, they shelved all new employee benefit purchases.  Although we didn’t lose any existing clients, our pipeline of new business dried up immediately.  What would you do in this situation? First, we analyzed our unique capabilities.  Our company’s most valuable asset is our team of highly skilled customer service professionals across the entire United States.  Our coverage and quality are unparalleled.  The dramatic increase of remote workers brought on by pandemic created a never seen before issue.  How do you get your computers and other company assets back from terminated employees?  That is a problem we can solve!  So, TimeSquared Concierge launched an equipment retrieval division. We are the only company who physically goes to the home of the offboarded employee, retrieves the equipment and returns it to the employer. This service is saving companies tens of thousands of dollars in equipment while also protecting companies’ sensitive and proprietary data.  With no monthly minimum and no set up fee, we can serve companies of all sizes.  As this division of our company grows exponentially, we wonder what is your pivot? #HAM, #ITAM, #AssetManagement #RemoteWorking #TerminatedEmployee #ComputerEquipment #Offboarding, #RemoteWorking, #RemoteWorkers, #TerminatedEmployees, #OffboardingStrategy, #ITAD, #AssetManagement, #AssetRecovery, #ComputerEquipment, #LaptopRetrieval, #DistributedTeams, #RetrieveCompanyAssets, #RecoverAssetsFromRemoteWorkers, #RecoverAssetsFromOffboardedEmployees, #RemoteDeviceReturns, #RemoteEmployees, #OffboardedEmployees, #HardwareAssetManagement, #ITAssetManagement, #RemoteAssetManagement   “The #1 advantage small